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Szczecin (Poland)

Mahzabin Haque, Sam Domingo,Katarzyna Sobczak, and Anna Ciaback
Nguyễn Quốc Thành, Phan Thảo Nguyên, Nguyễn Trinh Thi, Nguyễn Duy Anh, Nguyen Tan Hoang, Vu T.Thu Ha, Quynh Dong, Tạ Minh Đức, Đỗ Văn Hoàng, Đỗ Thanh Lãng, Quynh Dong, Katrin Brannstrom, Hồ Quốc Hùng

Sleep, then See invites visitors to a liminal space between the past and the future,artist to the audience, and experience the in-betweenness. In some ways, it canbe compared to the enigmatic realm of dreaming, in which no boundaries existand reality becomes porous and fluid. The exhibition showcases vibrant queerfantasies that interweave with a poignant sense of nostalgia for both one’splace of origin and the allure of foreign lands. The exhibition journey takesus on a captivating tour through the landscapes and cultures of Vietnam andPoland, with all the fascinating stops in between and beyond.

This exhibition aims to evoke a sense ofdislocation and longing, as well as a playful sense of possibility anddiscovery. It offers a rich and nuanced exploration of identity, place, andmemory, which speaks to the complexities of the contemporary world. It is atestament to the power of art to transcend borders and boundaries and to createmeaningful connections between people and culture.

Sleep, then See is the first edition of along-term project Vietnamese in Polandin collaboration between Goyki 3 ArtIncubator in Sopot (Poland) and TRAFOCenter for Contemporary Arts in Szczecin (Poland). It has been co-organizedby Mieczysław Karłowicz Philharmonicin Szczecin and TRAFO Center forContemporary in Szczecin and is presented as part of the program Music.Multimedia.Management co-fundedby the EEA Grants and the Ministry ofCulture and National Heritage of Poland.

 NguyễnQuốc Thành – artist, curator, and co-founder of the Nhà Sàn Collective in Hanoi. In 2013,he initiated the festival QueerForever!, which has since become an ongoing project, with pop-up cinema,book and zine workshops, a kitchen, space for queer gatherings, discussion,film screenings, creating art, and sharing love. Thành has participated inperformance art festivals, exhibitions, and conferences in Japan, Myanmar, ThePhilippines, Thailand, the USA, and Vietnam. His latest work, ưhưh22is part of the Nha San Collective project featured at Documenta 15 in Kassel, Germany.

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